The Techday event marked the completion of yet another successful year of partnership and development, as members intermingled and shared their insights about the high points in their careers. The main learning’s in their life and also lessons/ observations that benefitted them from ASIRT. As a retrospect, members were advised to reflect upon their own strengths and weaknesses and also share their resolutions for the future year.
On the business front too, this was an evening packed with exclusive business offerings from four brand partners, including eScan Enterprise Security & Antivirus solutions, Edimax networking and remote surveillance systems, Polaris Office software solutions and Hewlett Packard (HP), all of them shared their products and services along with gratifying partner benefits.
Edimax network and remote surveillance systems shared insights into their long-range PoE switches, the innovative WISP broadband router and their customized solutions across sectors in India, such as services for religious spots, hospitals, educational institutes and media houses.
Polaris Office Solutions shared some of the chief features of their office suite, including the PDF edit and save as document feature, the unique access to Indian language typing without 3rd party installations and easy compatibility across platforms.
HP displayed their latest, high-end range of laptops and computers as well as their latest offerings into the gaming segment. The discussion also gave in-depth information on business opportunities for members and channel partners.
While the insightful partner presentations kept the business engagement high, the intermediary contests and games among the members ensured the festive cheer was maintained throughout the evening.
The massive ASIRT cake cutting with all the members and a group shot with jubilant members wearing Santa hats marked a cheerful end to the techno festive evening!