
Xerox introduces Office Services...

DQW Bureau
New Update


With an aim to grow its market share in the Indian docu-ment management

industry, Xerox India has introduced Xerox Office Services. The company is doing

this as part of its overall business strategy for 2005 having identified color,

the new business of printing and inkjet to laser conversion as key elements. The

company has also shared its plans to launch more than 30 products in 2005.

According to the company, the Xerox Office Services offerings help

organizations improve business productivity by optimizing their document

management processes. Xerox Global Services employees 400+ professional in India

and has over 500 customers pan India. The company is tar-geting the BFSI,

government and education and manu-facturing, telecom, IT/ITES and utilities

segments for this initiative.

According to LV Sastry, Associate Director, Xerox Global Services, Xerox

Office offerings in India would inc-lude Office Document Asse-ssment, Device

Management, Asset Management, Asset Optimization, Supply Mana-gement, Break-Fix

Manage-ment and Help Desk.


He added that India market presents a huge potential for document management

sol-utions. "According to IDC, as well our own research, com-panies who

outsource their document management can save as much as 10 percent - 30 percent

of their printing costs," he further informed.

The other aspects of the company's business strategy include placing MFDs

in offices and enterprise environments and engaging the SMB market-place. The

company is also working towards builing a 'best in class' distribution

mo-del and in India and has alre-ady signed five partnerships in 2005 with IT


CyberMedia News

New Delhi


...appoints managers to strengthen India team

Xerox India Ltd has made five senior ma-nagement appointments to strengthen

its India team. The company has appointed Natesh Mani as Executive Director, New

Office Group, LV Sastry as Associate Director, Xerox Global Services, Vipin

Tuteja as Director of Productions Systems Group, Chandan Chattaraj as Executive

Director of Human Resou-rce Division and Marcel Frielinck as CFO of the company.

According to Andrew Horne, MD, Xerox India, these senior appoint-ments would

enable Xerox India to structure senior management resources around its core.
