
WNS Global Services to expand Pune operations

DQW Bureau
New Update


WNS Global Services (WNS), a global BPO provider, has annou-nced the addition
of 1,000 new seats and an additional invest-ment of $ 5 million to its exist-ing
Pune operations.

According to the company, this new investment will be fun-ded through
internal accruals and was recently approved by the WNS Board. The new capa-city
will allow WNS to grow its staff to over 5,000 in Pune.

In a statement issued, Eric Selvadurai, Head (Global Ser-vices Operations),
WNS said, "Our book of business conti-nues to be strong, and we need to add
capacity in Pune to cater to the new demand. We have been operating in Pune for
over five years, with over 2,000 peo-ple and are delighted to grow further in
the city. He further added, "Our clients continue to be excited about Pune
as a location for their ‘extended enterprise’ within WNS."


WNS set up its Pune opera-tions in 1999 and was one of the first BPO
companies to identify Pune as a talent base of highly skilled manpower.

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