VeriSign, Inc has announced the launch of a development center in Bangalore.
The VeriSign India Development Centre (IDC) will undertake end-to-end product
engineer-ing, design, development, testing and software lifecycle management for
products and services running over IP and telecommunications networks.
VeriSign plans to invest over $ six million in India over the next year on
infras-tructure, human resou-rces and R&D in the wireline and wireless,
e-commerce and other forms of online trans-action processing (OLTP), security,
and Oracle 11i development and mainte-nance areas. Spread over 20,000 square
feet, the IDC will initially house 50 emp-loyees. The company expects to
increase the number of employees to 125 by the end of 2005.
Outlining his vision for India at the launch, Aristotle Balogh, Senior VP,
VeriSign operations and infrastructure said, "This launch is a reflec-tion
of our commitment to provide high-quality services and products to our
custo-mers in India and across the globe. This facility will be an integral part
of the VeriSign global business strategy. Our primary objective is to deve-lop
products and services, which are highly reliable, available, scalable and
secure. The IDC will help VeriSign develop products and create more releases in
shorter spans of time."
Manoj Srivastava, global product engineering VP, VeriSign is heading the
center. In this role, he is leading the corporate-wide initiative to formulate a
comprehensive offshore strategy to support product engineering for VeriSign.
Speaking at the launch, Srivastava said, "The IDC will play a key role
in building core mission-critical solutions for telecommunications, Internet and
management information systems. We are recruiting highly qualified engineering
and software professionals to work on cutting edge products and technologies.
The IDC aims to significantly increase new product development capacity of
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