
Univ site sans details of chancellor

DQW Bureau
New Update

Seema Mishra

Lucknow, Feb 14


Strange it may sound, but the official site of the Lucknow University does not have anything to tell about the personal details of Vishnu Kant Shastri, Chancellor of the University.

`Data not available, please visit this site after sometime', says the website while making reference to the Chancellor. While the site mentions the academic and other details of DP Singh, VC, it has no mention of the name of the chancellor. The site was launched with much fanfare in 1999. It was inaugurated by Suraj Bhan, then Governor. The site was meant to provide information regarding the University of Lucknow to all and sundry. It was an attempt to build image of the university by highlighting its achievements. The site has various links including Profile, Campus, Chancellor, VC, Faculties, General courses, self-finance courses, admission, fee structure, affiliated colleges and results. 

But, it tells only about the history of the university correctly. The site had no mention of various general courses. Several self-financing courses are also not listed on the site. After the hike in fee, the site was not updated as it tells only the same old fee structure and that too of the selected courses.


The site presents various startling facts for surfers. For example, it has a picture of Sher Darwaza near Nari Siksha Niketan, which can be seen by clicking on the profile option. The idea of site was conceived by former director of Information Publication and Public Relation (IPPR) in 1998. The site was completed in December 1998 and it was thought that it would be updated in future.
