Chennai based TVSE has re-launched its much-hyped Dot Matrix Printer - Proton in Delhi. The new avatar of the printer is now completely ‘Plug & Play’ with the standard parallel port configuration.
“We have done all the modifications keeping in mind the customer requirements and the feedback that we got from the market, so this product is sure to catch the eyeballs from all corners of the country. We have already launched this product in Mumbai, Ahmedabad and Pune and now in Delhi so things are moving in the right direction for us,” said Mahadevan NV, (Product Manager ),
Within two weeks of its launch the product has got a good response from the Mumbai market. “During the initial phase itself we have sold more than 850 printers which is a good sign for us and I am sure that this trend will continue in all parts of the country,” he added.
It may be recalled that TVSE had launched its DMP printer - Proton about eight months back in the month of September 2002. Soon after its launch the company realized that there were certain changes to be made for the product to gain acceptability in the market.
“Once we felt that there are certain changes to be made, we have modified it and now it’s all there in front of our customers.
Earlier also the printer got a great response from all over the country, so we are confident of the same response this time around as well,” Mahadevan added.
The company is targeting the retail market for this product and the Indian retail market is pegged to be around 2 million stores all across the country. “There are around two percent stores who have gone in for automation, so the market potential for our product is around 1.9 million retail stores and outlets. This opportunity for bill printing is growing at a fast rate and we are here to tap this segment,” Mahadevan explained.
This new avatar of the product is a result of a number of initiatives that the company takes to make sure that customer satisfaction is guaranteed by all means. “We have always worked closely with the customers. We have ‘Customer Board Rooms’ where a customer can give his suggestion easily and apart from that we also have ‘Customer Labs’ where a customer can actually see what are the modification that are being made in a particular product. So all these initiatives are a part of our core belief that customers are the driving force towards any success that a company has,” he added.
DQW News Bureau