
TVS-E launches i-Serve campaign

DQW Bureau
New Update


TVS Electronics Ltd (TVS-E), manufacturer of computer peripherals, has
launches i-Serve, an initiative aimed to promote the sales of genuine TVS
supplies and support packs. According to the press release, the campa-ign
expects to involve service engineers of TVS-E's Authori-zed Service Partners (ASPs)
and third party service provi-ders (TPMs). The program is currently rolled out
in six metros across the country.

i-Serve is aimed at service engineers. With this offer, the service engineers
can score points for every TVS-E print-head, ink bank, ribbon and iSupport pack
they sell and can redeem their points for exciting gifts. The gifts would
include Philips dry iron, Lee gift vouchers, Philips walkmans, Titan and Casio

TVS-E's current DMP consumable market size in India stands at Rs 98 crore
(2005-06) with a market share of 35 percent in printheads and five percent in
ribbons. With i-Serve, TVS-E hopes to increase the sale of its supplies, and
expects its market share to go up to 10 percent in ribbons and more than 60
percent in printheads.


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