Trend Micro Inc, a company dealing in network antivirus and Internet content security solutions, has warned the computer users of a recently discovered mass-mailing virus known as Worm_Gone.A (alias Gone.scr). This threat is currently classified by Trend Micro as a high risk due to the fast-spreading nature of this worm.
This virus is capable of spreading through Microsoft Outlook and the ICQ (I Seek You) messenger program. When spreading through email, the attachment is named 'GONE.SCR', with the following subject and message body:
Subject: Hi
Message: How are you?
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Trend Micro has created updated virus pattern files No. 177 and 977 (depending upon the scan engine being used) to detect and remove this worm, Worm_Gone.A. This pattern file is available for download from Trend Micro's website at Trend Micro has also advised customers to use InterScan and ScanMail eManager-content filtering plug-in to block the attachment, GONE.SCR. Desktop users can take advantage of Trend Micro's free online virus scanner, Housecall, to scan their system for this virus.