
Trade fair registers tech savvy visitors

DQW Bureau
New Update


The 27th India Inter-national Trade Fair organized in New Delhi from Nov 14 -
27 marked a footfall of lakhs of visitors each day of the fair. IT companies
observed an increase in the number of students and families taking an interest
in knowing about the latest IT products and gadgets.

Housewives and kids showed great interest in buying laptops with latest
updates. Executives repre-senting different brands had a tough time in
responding to their surmounting queries. However, there was a big gap in
visitors enquiring about different models and actually buying them. “We have
been getting loads of enquiries from the visiting customers everyday about IT
products, especially laptops but the ratio of enquiry and purchase is lopsided.
However, the awareness level and enthusiasm for new technology in middle class
families was astonishing,” explained an executive at the HCL stall.

The brands of laptops available were HCL, Lenovo, Acer, Compaq, HP, Intex and


Other IT vendors present were Kodak, Samsung, Panasonic, Luminous, etc.

Visitors throng the IT stalls

Though impressed by the increased level of awareness about IT products among
people, Nidhi Sardana, Business Manager-Retail, Intex Technologies shared that
this year the excitement to buy technology products has been low as compared to
the previous years.
