In a recent theft incident in Shimla, a group of burglars broke into the showroom of Premier Overseas and fled away with 22 laptops, 10 hard drives, 45 pen drives and 7 RAMs. The incident happened on June 2 and was first noticed by Anshul Goyal, owner of Premier Overseas, the next morning. The laptops have been selectively picked and are of the major brands including Lenovo, HP, and Acer.
Elaborating the incident, Goyal said, " When I came to office next morning, I saw that shutter handles were tampered. The burglars entered the showroom by breaking the locks of the front gate and took away most of the laptops and other small components. Such incident happened for the first time in last 12 years. The theft case has been registered with the local police and we have given all the details of stolen products, but no breakthrough has been reported so far."
Commenting on the identity of the group, Goyal informed that such a theft cannot be done by a single person; it must be a complete gang who had apt knowledge of technology and hardware business.
Goyal has suffered a loss of Rs 8 lakh. He has filed an FIR in local police station and investigations are on in the case. When inquired about his suspicion on any of the employees, he clarified that none of his employees could be involved, as the way of executing the theft indicates that the thieves did not have knowledge of the interior of the store and took the laptops randomly.
He further informed that the IT association in Shimla, has assured of providing full support in tracking the gang.
Talking about the security measures, Goyal informed that following the incident he has tightened the security at his office and is now planning to install electronic security systems as well.