
Theft at Ludhiana showroom

DQW Bureau
New Update


Over the last two weeks, a series of thefts have taken place in Ludhiana.
Recently the retail outlet of Annex Computers was targeted by a gang of
burglars, who fled with three laptops, LCDs and printers of brands like HCL,
Toshiba and Compaq. The items were worth Rs 2 lakh. The serial numbers of
laptops are Toshiba-77077366R, HCL-9074AX086708, Compaq-2C372604CS.

“When I came in the morning, the shutter was open and the locks were broken.
Inside the showroom, products were scattered and three laptops and few other
items were missing,” said Amit Malhotra, Proprietor, Annex Computers. Malhotra
denied involve-ment of any office employee or known person in the incident. He
said, “The way it has been carried resembles that of other showrooms where theft
took place in the last few days.”

Malhotra also expressed his annoyance over the non cooprative attitude of the
local police. “They are not ready to listen to my complaint though this is the
fourth theft in a row in the town. I went to police station numerous times but
there did not corporate. Finally, I had to take the support of IT association in
Ludhiana but still the matter is not solved. The association members have been
pressurizing to register the FIR, but the police is simply not bothered about
it. Police authorities are not concerned about the problems of individuals,”
expressed Malhotra.


Gurpreet Singh Pradhan, President, Association of Computer Entrepreneurs
agreed that the behavior of police was very dishear-tening and individuals had
to make a lot of efforts to file and FIR.

“In spite of us pressurizing the police they have not filed the FIR. The
association will give full support to the members whenever needed and will see
that the case is solved,” shared Pradhan.
