
The World Is Not Enough

DQW Bureau
New Update


Without doubt, the world is not enough if India and

China project themselves as one block. With more than two billion people, which

is one-third of the total global population, the two countries can virtually

dictate terms to the entire world including the US.

Apart from the fact that the bloc would be the world's

largest market, they can also combine to provide a whole host of services to

other countries. And IT would be definitely on the top. Just combine India's

mastery in software with Chinese expertise in hardware, what you get would be

world-beaters in every sense of the world.

Although, this seems to be a far-fetched idea--in fact,

some would call it a pipe dream--the fact remains that the coming together of

India and China is entirely possible. And what is going to fuel this

possibility, is commerce. Decades of mistrust due to politics taking the

centerstage, had held back any possibility of partnership. But now, economic

imperatives mean that all those days are gone. It's the dawn of a new era.


However, there is still a long way to go before we can

really say Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai. For that to happen, India will have to learn a

lot from China in terms of how to go about creating proper conditions for

business. For instance, China has created IT clusters in the form of special

economic zones, which are located in 14 major coastal cities, including Shenzhen,

Shanton, Zhuhai, Liamen and Haimen. Similarly, their are many development zones

and designated inland cities, along with several free ports and bonded zones, in

cities such as Dalian, Tianjin, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

China and India are today, amongst the world's fastest

growing economies. While the former is with two decades of reforms and economic

restructuring, the later is just one decade old in terms of economic


However, both have an abundant supply of technically

qualified manpower. Both are opening up to promote private enterprise, are

investing heavily in infrastructure development and are on the lookout for

economically viable and sustainable partnerships in top-end technology sectors.


Basically, both are today redefining the global trade

order. And, most importantly, both have much to offer each other in diverse

sectors to complement their own competencies. Need any more reason why Hindi

Chini should become bhai bhai?
