
Teleperformance gets new center in Jaipur

DQW Bureau
New Update


Teleperformance annou­nced the launch of a new center in Jaipur to handle
growing demand for its services. As the company's third center in India,
Teleperformance Jaipur became fully operational in the second week of July.

Currently, the center has a number of employees working on expanded business
solutions for existing Teleperformance clients. The new contact center will
provide both general support and advanced technical help desk services to a
variety of Teleperformance clients via traditional voice calling, e-mail, and
web chat.

“We are pleased with the launch of the new center. Teleperformance continues
to experience consistent growth in India, despite today's economic environ­ment,
allowing us to expand our hiring here in India as we meet the needs of our
domestic and global clients. We expect to have over 8,000 employees in India by
2010, making India a significant opera­tion center for Teleperformance,” said
Sanjay Mehta, MD, Teleperformance India.


Teleperformance in India now serves both domestic and global clients from
Jaipur and its existing outsourcing contact centers in Gurgaon and Indore. The
Jaipur center will be an integral part of Teleper­formance's worldwide network
of over 250 contact centers that leverage leading-edge technologies and high
quality agents to deliver outstanding support to over 1,000 clients globally.
“The addition of the Jaipur center extends our commitment to offer our clients
multiple solutions for improving their busi­nesses in locations throughout India
and globally,” noted Dominic Dato, Executive Chairman, Teleperformance.
