
Tally Certifications are now available in Hindi

DQW Bureau
New Update
Tally Certifications are now available in Hindi

Tally Education has introduced Tally Certification where the candidate can take the assessment in Hindi, in addition to the existing English language paper. The bilingual assessment feature will initially be available on TallyACE, the most popular and basic level Tally Certification, and will soon be made available on all other Tally Certifications. The feature has been introduced to help candidates understand the questions better which will result in an improvement in their performance on the assessments. In the online assessment, each candidate gets a separate question paper, and each

question will appear in both English and Hindi.

Manish Chowdhary, CEO, Tally Education Pvt Ltd said “With the introduction of the bilingual feature we intend to remove language as a barrier for certifications and offer this benefit to more students. Among a large population of students and candidates in the country, there is a significant knowledge of accounting and Tally, but they could not get certified due to low understanding of English. The option to take assessments in Hindi will greatly benefit them, and allow businesses to hire competent resources for their business. The need for competent accountants has not been met adequately in the market, and with GST this need has become greater. Tally certifications aim to address this need and establish a benchmark for businesses to judge the quality of their existing and new resources.”
