
TAIT, CMDA Pune and COMPASS dominate DQW-IDC Channel Association survey

DQW Bureau
New Update


One of the pioneers in global providers

of market intelligence and advisory services for the IT industry,

International Data Corporation ( href="">IDC)

India has revealed the much

awaited statistics of the IT channel association study 2010. With a

total of 48 channel associations surveyed, the firm has come up with

some surprises and revelations. The coveted industry finding reveals

that 56 percent of the of associations surveyed, do not organize

exhibitions and trade fairs in their respective regions. Pune's

Computers and Media Dealers Association (CMDA) has the largest

turnover of Rs 2.5 crore from the business-driven activities and

expo, followed by Baroda IT Association and Raipur-based Chattisgarh

Computer Media and Dealers Association.

The IDC study inducted 18 new channel

associations, this year. The Trade Association of Information

Technology ( href="">TAIT)

got the top position again, for the third time in a

row. CMDA (Pune) and Kolkata-based Computer Association of Eastern

India (COMPASS) got the 2nd and 3rd rank respectively. IDC followed a

pre-tested model for the evaluation of these association, based on

inputs from the discussions with the executives of the respective

associations. The parameters on which the associations were adjudged

include membership growth, electoral process, awareness programs,

communication, frequency of internal meeting, and organizing

exhibition and trade fair in the region. Commenting on coming at the

top slot of the coveted IDC IT channel association study 2010, Girish

Rathod, President, TAIT said, that regular business events

facilitated their association to top the chart. "Activities

like seminars, new product launches, exhibitions and new initiatives

with the recent Microsoft genuine software, contributed to maintain

the top position for the third time," Rathod said.
