Supercomm India 2004 will be held in New Delhi from Feb 4-6, 2004. Acc-ording
to the organizers, the event is set to be India’s largest focused
communications mar-ket place.
This year will see an appro-ximate participation by 110 companies, including
35 over-seas companies and over 20,000 buyers in the form of business visitors
to the event. The event will have two tracks of conferences running
simul-taneously that will include distinguished speakers who are leaders in
their chosen fields. The sessions will cover areas like wireless, policy, IP,
satellite communication, IT applicati-ons, certification policies and investment
The key exhibitors at the Supercomm 2004 are BSNL, Reliance, Tata and MTNL.
The supporting country is Canada and the Telecom Industry Asso-ciation (TIA) and
Inter Ads have put the event together.
According to the organizers, the event will also bring toge-ther companies,
accelerate the formation of partnerships and concentrate on new and emerging
challenges. Industry professionals who will attend it would include strategic
part-ners, manufacturers and rese-llers, telephone, cable and Internet service
providers, system integrators, industry analysts, institutional inves-tors and
venture capitalists. Not to mention, Indian gover-nment buyers and also
hard-ware, software and system buyers will be present large numbers to see for
themselves the shape of the things in India, both now and in the coming future
Last year, Supercomm India 2003 saw more than 100 com-panies and more than
12,300 business visitors. This year’s event also promises to be a meeting
point for decision-makers on the lookout for innovative solutions for their
organizations, helping forge relationships with high-end early adopters,
manufactu-rers, application developers, integrators, resellers and other
CyberMedia News Service
New Delhi