Sunstrike recently held its North Delhi telecom dealers meet in Delhi. The meet was held to announce the continuing success of the 'OptimaSmart' tablet and smartphone in the market. More than 100 telecom partners attended this gala night.
Speaking to The DQ Week Sanjeev Soni, director sales IT, Indian Sub Continent, Sunstrike said, "Sunstrike has received tremendous response for OptimaSmart products from dealers. At the meet we had formerly announced the appointment of telecom distributor AK Distributor for north Delhi part. Similarly we will also select telecom distributors for the rest of Delhi and conduct more such dealer meets. Apart from telecom dealers, we will also be organizing IT dealers' meet in coming days."
At the meet, Sunstrike also launched a slew of products including 7 inch tablets, 9.7 inch lap tablets and 4-5 smartphone models. "With our channel initiative we are aggressively attacking the tablet and smartphones market. Moreover we are also expanding our distribution tie-ups to further expand our channel base," Soni said.
Additionally, the company is also making an entry to the new markets. Recently, Sunstrike has participated in one of the world's leading high-tech exhibition-CeBIT. It showcased digital, IT and telecommunications solutions held at Hannover. Sunstrike has received tremendous response for OptimaSmart and Rage products from customers of various middle eastern, European and South American countries.