Sony India Pvt Ltd has introduced a new line of videocon-ferencing systems-PCS
1P, PCS 11P, PCS TL 50 and PCS G70P. The latest addition to Sony's video com-munication
system family, these models cater to the needs of every kind of business user-from
large-scale cor-porate conferences to small meeting spaces and home offices.
Designed to cater to the needs of business organiza-tions, academic
institutions, hospitals and government bodies, the PCS-1P features
broadcast-quality image out-put and transmission speeds of upto 2Mbps over IP
networks and upto 768 kbps over ISDN networks. It also features enha-nced,
advanced data collabora-tion to increase data sharing capabilities.
With the PCS-1P, users can incorporate drawings or wri-tten materials from a
white-board into a videoconference call without installing any additional
software, rebooting the system or even manually focusing the camera on the flip
chart. The PCS 11P provides off-ers a wide range of user-friendly functions with
a maximum transfer rate of 1Mbps over IP networks and upto 768 Kbps over ISDN
For senior executives, ent-repreneurs, doctors, layers, chartered accounts,
health care workers and individuals looking for video-conferen-cing equipment
for personal use, Sony offers the PCS TL 50 all in one desktop
video-conferencing system. It combines desktop video conferencing with a PC
monitor. The PCS TL50 allows users to video-conferencing and use their PC at the
same time. The model also features a privacy shutter that can be closed at times
when you prefer not to receive video-conferencing calls.
The last in Sony's new range, the PCS G70NP is specially designed to cater
to fit the needs of large boardrooms. It boasts a maximum video transfer rate of
4 Mbps over an IP network and offers the highest level of picture resolution
among the PCS series to account of the needs of large conferencing centers,
auditoriums or meeting rooms.
PCS 1P is priced at Rs 3,19,000, PCS-11P at Rs 2,16,000, PCS TL50 at Rs
3,28,000 and PCS G70P at Rs 6,99,000.
CyberMedia News
New Delhi