
Soln suite for Wi-Fi connectivity

DQW Bureau
New Update


The suite launched by BroVis comprises both hardware and software, provides
wireless access or distribution

Chennai-based start-up BroVis Wireless Networks, which was deve-loping
broadband wireless access technology and produ-cts, has recently launched a
solution suite for outdoor broadband wireless connecti-vity. The suite
comprising of both hardware and software will provide wireless access or
distribution up to 5 km in Non Line of Sight (NLOS) using point to multi-point

Wherein Line of Sight, point-to-point application the acce-ssibility is up to
20 kilometers.


According to Muthu Logan, Chief Executive Officer of BroVis, wireless
connectivity has always been indoors in India. "I was thinking of taking it
to outdoors based on 802.11b standards. By taking this first step, we are
embarking on the mission of providing affordable broad-band for the masses in
India. Our solu-tions are standard-based and software centric and can seam-lessly
bind with the existing infrastructure of indoor/outdoor campus network."

The company has solutions targeting campuses and enter-prises specifically.

Accordingly they came up with BroadCell solution suite comprising of
AirStation 1000 (AS1000) Base Station, Air-Client 100 (AC100) Subscriber Unit
and Wireless Infrastru-cture Operating System (WIOS) 1.0 system software.


These products are the first to deliver broadband in Indian subcontinent
market using multimode, concurrent band 802.11 standards based (Wi-Fi)
architecture over wider distan-ces than traditional systems in rough and
challenging NLOS terrain, providing raw through-put of upto 54 MBps, claimed
Muthu Logan.

AS1000 or the Access Con-centrator acts as the Base Station, which can be
configu-red to operate as a point to multi-point system or point-to - point
system for the outdoor wireless applications. The base station will distribute
data wirelessly to AC100 (also called Customer Premise Equipment), at a distance
of 4-5 km.

This is in case of point to multi-point system. For point-to-point wireless
access to happen, two base stations will talk to each other in Line of Sight
cove-ring a distance of about 20-km. Users can access the Internet or the
network inside the building either through wired high-speed trunk interfaces
like Eth-ernet card or by using Access Points.


BroVis has already imple-mented its wireless distribu-tion system for Hathway
in Mumbai and also in Kalsar Engineering College, Tamil Nadu. Muthu Logan is
optimi-stic of having at least 25 deployments of Broadcell solution suite across

DQW News Bureau

