
Shyam Modi replaces Mahinder Agarwal as new President of ADCTA

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Shyam Modi replaces Mahinder Agarwal as new President of ADCTA

All Delhi Computers Dealers Association (ADCTA), one of the largest IT associations in India has recently conducted Annual General Body Meeting on March 3. During the AGM, election was held where Shyam Modi from Modi Infosol has been elected as new president of ADCTA and Mahinder Agarwal from Broadway Computers, who was president earlier has been nominated as new chairman.


The election was conducted by Ashok Agarwal (Election Incharge) Trifin Technolgoies, head of the Election Committee, along with Sunil Narang of Elcom Trading Pvt. Ltd. and Satish of Cost to Cost Computers.

House has elected the following office bearers:-

Shyam Modi Ji, President (Modi Infosol Pvt. Ltd.)


Sdr. Swaran Singh Ji, General Secretary (Lotus Systems and Services)

Sushil Daga, Treasuer (Daga Infotech)

Also, house has given the power to the above 3 elected office bearers to select their team.


Shyam Modi, Newly President, ADCTA expressed, “Our association has been always observing peaceful elections which shows the faith of partners in each other. Previous committee devoted its 100 percent and supported all the members in their tenure. It was tough competition but as of now new committee has been elected and they have planned for more active strategies elected and ensured to make IT channel at higher levels.”

The AGM has started with the address by the ex- president, Mahinder Agarwal. He highlighted the works done by his team in their tenure, in improving the working conditions of Nehru Place market, including the members and also the efforts being made to make GST friendly for everybody. He concluded by highlighting the unity and love amongst the members.

Thereafter, Agenda points were taken by Sdr. Swaran Singh, who has now been elected as General Secretary.


Meeting was ended with the vote of thanks by Shyam Modi  and Sdr. Swaran Singh  and they assured the house that ADCTA will achieve new heights in future with the cooperation and support by members.
