Silicon Graphics Systems India (SGI) has announced the availability in Linux
OS-based visual computer product line-Silicon Grap-hics Prism family of
visuali-zation systems. The visual computer product line is based completely on
open standards with Linux OS and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components such
as Intel Itanium 2 processors and world-renowned grap-hics accelerators from
According to the press rele-ase, as a complete visualiza-tion system, Silicon
Graphics Prism was designed to add-ress terabyte-sized, highly complex data as a
single con-tiguous data set in memory. Scaling from one to 16 grap-hics
pipelines and from one to 256 processors, the Silicon Graphics Prism family
offers many times the visualization capability of any currently available
comput-ing system. Silicon Graphics Prism is built on a foundation of SGI
NUMAflex shared-memory architecture.
The Silicon Graphics Prism visualization system will be marketed in India
through the SGI sales network and its extended channel network across the
country. The price range for the product begins from $10,000 approximately.
India is currently witne-ssing heightened activity in outsourcing of
engineering and manufacturing related services. Prasad Medury, MD, SGI said,
"The pace of scienti-fic discovery and engineering innovation has increased
significantly. SGI understands technical and creative profe-ssionals are
operating under tighter budgets and desire the freedom of product line and
choice of open standards based systems. The Silicon Graphics Prism family was
created to address these concerns."
CyberMedia News