
Seagate expands reach in SME market

DQW Bureau
New Update


SME Tech forum for knowledge dissemination in b, C and d class cities

Seagate has announced that it has expanded its reach to small and me-dium

enterprise (SME) com-panies in a strategic move to capture market share in the

growing SME market in India. Seagate has initiated the SME Tech Forum, which is

an inde-pendent group aimed at trans-ferring technology knowledge to SME

companies, so that they can stay abreast of the latest technologies that can

help them better manage day-to-day operations and drive busi-ness growth.

Through SME Tech Forum, Seagate is currently supporting a series of

conferences to reach out to SME companies based in the B, C and D class cities

throughout India. Seagate provides trainers and speakers for these conferences

who share with the participant's insights into the latest tech-nologies and

their impact on day-to-day business opera-tions. About 50 additional SME Tech

Forum conferences across the nation are scheduled to take place over the next

few months.


According to a July report from AMI Partners, SMEs in India spent $17.5

billion on IT and telecom related products and services in 2003 and they are

expected to grow at a cumulative annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14 percent during

2003-2008. Of the above, $7.1 billion came from IT spending in 2003.

"The idea is to create a plat-form for knowledge dissemi-nation and

effective engage-ment with leading technology vendors in the B, C and D class

cities. As this segment is grow-ing at a very fast pace, several large

technology companies have started including these cities in their marketing plan

for product launches, but not many MNCs are committing adequate resources to

edu-cate this market," said Sidharth Tripathy, Chair-person, Governing

Council of SME Tech Forum .

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