
Seagate announces move to Nasdaq stock market

DQW Bureau
New Update


Seagate Technology announced that it will switch its stock exchange listing from The New York Stock
Exchange to The Nasdaq Stock Market, an exchange of the Nasdaq OMX Group
effective September 16, 2008.

Seagate Technology will be listed on The Nasdaq Global Select Market and
trade on the exchange with the ticker symbol Nasdaq: STX.

"We are delighted to make the move to the Nasdaq and look forward to
leveraging their impressive trading platform to reach investors in key markets
around the world," said Bill Watkins, CEO, Seagate. "With this move we are
ensuring that our investors have access to fast, high-quality trades in a more
cost-effective structure for Seagate. We look forward to joining the impressive
group of leading technology companies already listed on the Nasdaq," he added.


"Seagate is one of today's leading companies and we are delighted that they
have decided to transfer to our market. We welcome them to Nasdaq OMX's family
of innovative companies

and look forward to supporting their continued growth by providing global
visibility and superior value for their listing," said Magnus Böcker, President,
Nasdaq OMX.
