
Scitex Digital Printing enters India

DQW Bureau
New Update


Singapore based Scitex Digital Printing, an indu-strial digital printing
firm, has announced its entry in India by officially introducing its new range
of Versa-Mark printing sys-tems and narrow format printers called Dijit in
cities like Delhi, Lucknow, Kan-pur, Mumbai, Nagpur, Pune, Bangalore, Kolkata,
Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Chandigarh.

The company has tied up with Delhi based Creed Engineers (P) Ltd to market
and distribute the entire range of products in India, through its dedicated
country-wide channel network.

In the product reali-gnment, the Versa-Mark brand family now has three
distinct product lines–VersaMark JetBlack–an entry level monochrome series;
VersaMark Vantage–a mid-line series and VersaMark Ultra–a high-end series.
Both the JetBl-ack and Vantage products are available with a print speed of 350
feet per minute (fpm) and can be upgraded to 500 fpm. Ultra is available at 500
fpm with the capability to print up to 1000 fpm. According to the press release,
each series offers several models of printing systems and each model features
high-speed, 100 percent variable data digital printing technology and a modular
design architecture.


"Scitex has identified India, China, Korea and Japan as its strategic
markets for the future. The Indian operations will be overseen from regional
head-quarters in Singapore even as the company is contemplating a wholly owned
arm in India in a couple of years," explained Kazem Samandari, VP (Global
Marketing and Product Mana-gement), Scitex Digital Printing.

Summarizing the company’s strategy for revamping the VersaMark brand,
Samandari concluded, "We are committed to serving our industry by providing
the widest possible selection of innovative pro-ducts with a sensitivity to the
real-world concern for capital preservation."

CyberMedia News Service

New Delhi
