Samsung India Electronics Ltd has announced the launch of the Sam-sung System
Integrator Aca-demy. The Academy will run a training and certification program
for the SI community. According to the press release, an essential part of the
training program includes product sessions, technology updates and sales
management skills.
The training will provide the SI community an insight into Samsung products,
the organization and the know-ledge and skills to enable them to sell the
company's products to customers and retain them.
The partners certified by this academy will be called Sam-sung Authorized
System Inte-grator (SASI). These SASIs will be given authorized certi-ficates
valid for 12 months along with Samsung unifo-rms, POPs, banners, product demo
CDs, POS, leaflets and other promotional material. Apart from these, there are
plans for a lot of interactive sales workshops, lucky draws and early bird
The release further states that the highlight of the pro-gram is that
globally the Sam-sung community recognizes a channel partner authorized through
this academy. By undergoing training sessions in this academy, the SASIs will
automatically get enrolled to a host of bundled offers, pro-motional programs
and busi-ness forums.
As the first phase of the program, the academy will run training programs in
32 cities and towns across the country.
Speaking on this occasion, Samsung India Electronics Ltd VP Vivek Prakash,
"One of the key reasons of our success has been the unstinted sup-port of
the SI community over the years. This academy is an integral part of Samsung's
strategy to maintain its lea-dership position, increase market share."
CyberMedia News
New Delhi