
Saboo opens first exclusive Xenitis outlet in Kolkata

DQW Bureau
New Update


Xenitis Group, manufacturers of the first branded computer of the state Amar
PC, launched their first exclusive retail outlet in Kolkata recently. The
showroom was inaugu-rated by Manabendra Mukherjee, Minister of IT, Government of
West Bengal.

Xenitis started their Amar PC production in their own manufacturing unit in
2004, with a network of 52 dealers all over the state and several structured
service centers. The PC range offers quality product with prompt
after-sales-service in a reasonable price which, helped it to boost its sale and
cover a commendable market in West Bengal.

Situated in the IT hub of the city, Ganesh Chandra Avenue, the opening of
this exclusive showroom will help the company in showcasing its range of PCs.
Commenting on the launch, Santanu Ghosh, Chairman, Xenitis Group of Companies,
said, "being the first showroom of the company in the city, this will help
our customers to check out our wide array of products before they take their


The company tied up with Saboo Computers, one of the leading players in the
market, to open the showroom. "This tie up with Saboo Computers will help
us increase our sales significantly", said Ghosh. "Last month we sold
about 200 Amar PC computers, this month it has crossed about 300 pieces",
says Rajesh Saboo, Director, Saboo Comp-uters. This huge demand of the brand,
prompted him to open its exclusive retail outlet, which is also a part of his
retail outlet chain expan-sion plan.

Inaugurating the show-room, Manabendra Mukher-jee said, "It is hearting
to see young entrepreneurs making a mark in the field of IT in West Bengal. The
success and acceptance of Amar PC, cert-ainly certifies the potential of IT in
West Bengal".

Xenitis has alredy intro-duced their range of compu-ters across the length
and breadth of the country as, Amar PC to cater to the Eastern market, Aamchi PC

in West, Apna PC in North and Namma PC in Southern India.


DQW News Bureau

