
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 in India by Dec end

DQW Bureau
New Update


Red Hat India, a subsidiary of Red Hat, of open source technologies including

Linux, has announced that it will make available Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3, the

plat-form, which will debut with a new ‘Open Source Architecture’, by the

end of December 2003.

Under this new technology direction, the company will create a comprehensive

and flexible enterprise archite-cture driven by open source technology–Open

Source Architecture. Delivering components of the Open Source Architec-ture

through a phased approach, Red Hat will extend the value of open source beyond

the operating system, further up the solution stack with a portfolio of optional

layered products for all aspects of an enterprise.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 includes numerous features like native POSIX

Threading Library, support for larger SMP, memory and I/O confi-gurations,

single code base and seven supported hardware architectures.


CyberMedia News Service

