
Rajasthan assn blacklists Computer Element and Sudarshan Infotech

DQW Bureau
New Update


Taking a tough stand

against defaulted partners, Rajasthan Computer Traders Association

(RCTA) has decided to blacklist Jaipur-based channel partners

namely-Computer Element and Sudarshan Infotech. Both were allegedly

found involved in duping Jaipur partners of around Rs 70 lakh. The

association manged to crack the style="background: transparent none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous;">

nexus of the two and handed them over to the Rajasthan police.

Speaking to The DQ

Hira Singh, chairman and member of grievance and welfare

committee of RCTA said, “This instance came to the association in

the month of February, when two of the duped partners of RCTA

members, Rameshwar Sharma of Budget PC and Mukesh Chourasia of Jai

Ambey Enterprises approached, and later lodged an FIR against

Devendra Singhal, proprietor of Computer Element and Sachin Bhardwaj,

proprietor of Sudarshan Infotech.”

As per the association,

Devendra Singhal, an RCTA member, was allegedly the mastermind of

this forgery, who used to encourage Sudarshan Infotech to buy

materials from Raisar Plaza IT market on credit basis, and later sold

the materials at a cheap dirt price. When dealers started

demanding pay back of payments from Sudarshan Infotech, his aid

Computer Empire helped him to vanish from the market, without a

trace. However, in a short period of 10-15 days, police recovered the

absconding Sudarshan Infotech near Delhi.

In his revelation to the

police, Sudarshan Infotech confessed his charges and held Computer

Empire guilty for doing all this. Police booked both the defaulters

under forgery case. Now, the association is trying hard to recover

duped partners money and material. Criticizing the Indian law

and order machinery, Singh said, “Despite our efforts, ironically,

both the defaulters are out on bail and started operating in the

market. Hence in this direction, we have decided to impose complete

ban and blacklist their companies in the entire Rajasthan market. We

have released internal circular to our members, vendors and all

distributors, etc to not to do any trading with these tainted

partners.” Deepak Sharda, general

secretary, RCTA said, “Reaching out to the culprits in such a short

time is one of the our achievements. Now, our association has framed

strict rules and guidelines against any such incidents. Multiple

committees have been formed, who are closely working with members and

working toward protecting the IT trade business and for partners

welfare. As of now we are in the process of solving such similar

defaulters pending cases.”
