Features PNY Hook Attaché
Rotates 180 degrees
Made with high-quality stainless steel
Compact, light, and capless
4GB/8GB: 8MB/sec write, 24MB/sec read
16GB/32GB: 10MB/sec write, 32MB/sec read
5-year warranty
Price: 4GB, Rs 495; 8GB, Rs 850; 16GB, Rs 1,450; 32GB, Rs 3,000
Fortune Marketing
201-202, Gedore House
51-52, Nehru Place
New Delhi-110 019
Tel: 011-26414468, 26472491, 30823345-47
Fax: 011-26462248
E-mail: inderbhan.verma@fortune-it.com
Website: http://fortune-it.com