
Philips takes channel partners to Europe

DQW Bureau
New Update


Philips India, PCP division formally closed its scheme Dhanvarsha-Europe by
taking 55 channel partners to a ten days trip to Europe from July 1 to 9,
covering Netherlands, Belguim, France, Swizerland and Italy. The company invited
all the channels for a cocktail party at Mumbai from where actually the trip
started and they all took a flight for Amestradam.

On the first evening "we had the award ceremony where Philips awarded
the "First Among Equals" for their contribution to the Philips growth
in the monitor business. Awards were given to M/s Triune Marketing for being the
most valuable partner and M/s Real Time Computers, Mumbai for being the
runner-up. M/s Life Computers of Varanasi was given the most valuable partner
award in upcountry. Compuage Mumbai was recognized for being the most valuable
distributor. Speaking on the ocassion . Ankan Biswas-GM (PCP), Philips India
Ltd, thanked all the partners for their contribution to Philips monitor business
growth by over 300 percent over the same period last year.

On thier way to Antwrep, Channels were taken for a sight seeing on the Canal
cruise, Madu-radam and Dimond factroy.

While the better half of the partners enjoyed shopping the dia-monds children
particularly liked the mini Holland in Maduradam.


From Antrwep, the Philips family went to Paris in a luxury bus, where they
spent three days.

DQW News Bureau

