
PCAIT on green radar

DQW Bureau
New Update


With the objective to protect the interest of unorganized computer assemblers

in the process of implementing energy standards driven by Bureau of Energy

Efficiency (BEE) and creating awareness about the same, PCAIT has circulated a

questionnaire to all its members to give their inputs for the BEE standard


Saket kapur

General secretary, PCAIT

“As far as energy efficiency is concerned, we are putting a system where the

unorganized PC assemblers are not ignored and they are also taken in

consideration by the driving bodies in the process of star labeling. This is an

exercise that we are doing to keep the channel partners active and informed

about the implementation of energy standards in PCs,” said Saket Kapur, General

Secretary, PCAIT.


According to Energy Conservation Act 2001, all the electrical appliances have

to follow energy efficiency standards and they are issued labels of stars that

indicates the rate of energy they consume.

BEE had held a meeting with the PC manufacturers and PCAIT recently to

explain to them about the ways to run the standard programs and the necessity of

implementing the standards while manufac­turing the products.

Besides, taking further steps to have a cleaner and green environment,

Greenpeace, an NGO campaigning for green ecosystem along with Manufacturers'

Association of Information Technology (MAIT), civil society group Toxicslink and

bilateral agenct GTZ have drafted and proposed e-waste management legislation.

This is objected to formulate a sound e-waste management model and vendors like

Nokia, Wipro, HCL, Acer and Sony Ericsson have already began implementing plans

on chemicals phaseout and take back of old products. Vendors like HP, Dell and

Lenovo are also in the process of formulating policies within their

manufacturing structure that reduces e-waste.
