
Palm-sized accessory for PC

DQW Bureau
New Update


Neoteric unveiled Matrox Dual Head2Go — the external
multi display upgrade for your laptop or PC. The new Matrox DualHead2Go enables
you to attach two displays to your laptop or desktop computer without opening
the chassis.

This palm-sized acces­sory uses your system's single
analog monitor output (VGA output) to generate two separate display outputs. It
simply connects to the external monitor connector of a computer and divides the
signal for two separate monitors — there are no parts to insert in a computer
and no hardware or software is replaced. This product adds support for an extra
display while leveraging the perfor­mance of your existing graphics hardware.
The extra display allows more informa­tion at a time to be viewed and this can
lead to improve­ments in productivity and help reduce errors. Dual Head2Go
allows you to run your Windows desktop at up to 2560 x 1024 resolution in 16.7M
colors at 60Hz stretched across two displays.


A single display workspace physically limits the amount of
information that users can see. Constantly having to open and close application
windows can be cumbersome and time consuming, thereby making it more difficult
to multi-task and ultimately reduces produc­tivity. With the adoption of a
dual-display workspace, the work process is streamlined and manage­ment of
multiple docu­ments is simplified because users have expanded their workspace
across two displays. With Matrox Dual Head2Go you can use existing graphics
hardware for 2D, 3D, and video acceleration.

Matrox Dual Head2Go is priced at Rs12,950 and comes with a
one-year warranty.

DQW News Bureau Mumbai, March 2
