
Oracle Technology Network membership grows by 250% in India

DQW Bureau
New Update

Cyber News Service


Mumbai, Sep 12

Oracle Corp has announced that membership in Oracle Technology Network (OTN)

in India has grown to about 50,000 registered users, making India the largest

country in Asia Pacific in terms of OTN registrations. Worldwide the members

have surpassed one million, growing at an extraordinary rate of over 2,000

members per day. Membership worldwide has grown at an exceptional rate of 220

percent over the past year, and is expected to continue growing at an average of

over 60,000 members per month.

"OTN is a showcase example of how to build a community," said

Anthony C Picardi, Senior VP (Global Software), IDC. "OTN has been

successful among developers worldwide because it acts as a career facilitator.

Developers are getting much more than just free software. They're signing onto a

network of developer education and career resources."


As members of OTN, developers worldwide have access to free software and

services necessary to help them successfully build valuable businesses around

the Oracle Internet platform. OTN members work with the latest, open Internet

technologies in conjunction with Oracle's Internet Platform and application

development tools. Members receive the benefit of downloading Oracle software

free-of-charge, and have access to online support, educational materials,

discussion forums, Internet developer conferences and Oracle certified

professional programs.

OTN is the definitive technical resource for building applications for the

Oracle Internet Platform. It is a membership-based online technical community

for Internet developers, supporting and facilitating its development efforts by

providing the latest technical information on a wide variety of Oracle's

products and technologies.
