
Oracle signs MoU with ELCOT

DQW Bureau
New Update


Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu Ltd (ELCOT) and Oracle
India Pvt Ltd (Oracle India) have signed a Memoran-dum of Understanding (MoU).
As per the MoU, Oracle will be a partner of Tamil Nadu govern-ment in its
e-government initia-tives. ELCOT is the optional nodal agency under IT depart-ment
of Government of Tamil Nadu for implementation of

e-governance projects and initiatives.

At the time of signing the MoU, Vivek Harinarain, Govern-ment
Secretary and Chairman, ELCOT said, "As an ongoing initiative of the Tamil
Nadu gov-ernment to deploy IT for stre-amlining operations and opti-mizing the
use of government resources, ELCOT has chosen to partner with Oracle. We lay
particular emphasis on security, operations continuity, availabi-lity,
scalability and lowering total cost of ownership."

"Governments are trans-forming themselves to meet
increasing public demands, legislative mandates, and eco-nomic and political
pressures to be more responsive, effici-ent and accountable," said Shekhar
Dasgupta, MD, Oracle India. "Our relationship with ELCOT will give us the
oppor-tunity to use Oracle techno-logy and applications in provi-ding
world-class e-governance solutions to Tamil Nadu," he added.


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