
Oracle partners with Tamil Nadu in its e-governance drive; signs MoU with ELCOT

DQW Bureau
New Update


Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu Ltd (ELCOT) and Oracle India Pvt Ltd

(Oracle India) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). As per the MoU,

Oracle will be a partner of Tamil Nadu gover-nment in its e-government

initiatives. ELCOT is the optional nodal agency under IT department of Gov-ernment

of Tamil Nadu for implementation of e-go-vernance projects and initiatives.

At the time of signing the MoU, Vivek Harinarain, Gove-rnment Secretary and

Chair-man, ELCOT said, "As an ongoing initiative of the Tamil Nadu

government to deploy IT for streamlining operations and optimizing the use of

government resources, ELCOT has chosen to partner with Oracle. We lay particular

emphasis on security, opera-tions continuity, availability, scalability and

lowering total cost of ownership."

"Governments are transfor-ming themselves to meet incre-asing public

demands, legisla-tive mandates, and economic and political pressures to be more

responsive, efficient and accountable," said Shekhar Dasgupta, MD, Oracle

India. "Our relationship with ELCOT will give us the opportunity to use

Oracle technology and applications in providing world-class e-governance

solutions to Tamil Nadu," he added.


Oracle recently launched the Oracle-HP e-governance Center for Excellence in

India. The center will provide a platform for the develop-ment of model

e-governance applications, showcasing e-governance applications that are

currently being used by various government agen-cies in India as well as

e-governance applications by Oracle, HP and their partners.

CyberMedia News Service

