The past few months, DQ Channels has been exhorting companies to progress
from systems integration (SI) to total solu-tions providing. And Mumbai-based
Omnitech Infosolutions has taken the gauntlet and has decided to move beyond SI
to focus more on providing niche services.
In this regard, Omnitech has tied up with Mumbai-based Adventure Systems
Incorporated, whose integral competencies are software engineering and quality
con-sulting, which includes test-ing. Some of its Indian clients are Wockhardt,
SOTC, Accen-ture and Rolta; companies which do not have the core testing
Globally, according to mar-ket estimates, quality testing is estimated to be
a $13 billion business and in India, the same is approximately pegged at $300
million. "This is a new business area, with barely any players, which also
makes it a lucrative playing field," said Anurag Shah, Proprietor of
Adventure Systems Inc.
Omnitech had started an internal software services division some years ago
and was working on Rational´s tools to provide testing pro-ducts. It procured
most of its Rational products from Adven-ture and soon the two compa-nies
appreciated their mutual synergies and decided to join forces.
Talking about the client base for testing services, Atul Hemani, Director,
Omnitech Infosolutions said that it would target IT services as well as some
end-to-end com-panies across the globe. It will also offer these services to its
existing client base like Griffin Marine, Birla Sun Life Insu-rance and others.
In a bid to also metamor-phose into a complete end-to-end solution provider,
Omnitech is setting up a 14,5000 square foot tech-nology center in Mumbai with
an investment of Rs eight crore. This building will house the corporate office
of the company, a proof of concept center (PoC) as well as divisions for
showcasing and finalizing project execu-tion processes for customers.
It will also house a nine-seater network operations center (NOC) on the
premises to offer remote management services to Omnitech´s inter-national
clients. The company recently tied up with Com-puter Associates as its regional
SI partner and will soon set up a center of excellence for CA´s products at
this Mumbai facility. The building will also have an independent test lab for
Rational and other niche products as well.
Omnitech has been into the infrastructure management business since its
inception 17 years and is now scouting for acquiring companies, which share the
same business ideo-logies. "The SI business is expected to grow at 15
per-cent annually, while services industries, including testing, are likely to
grow at 35 percent. We would like to buck the trend and grow at 50 percent and
are taking aggre-ssive steps to realize this," said Atul.
Vinita Bhatia