
What!! A Mobile app to tell you where to pee

DQW Bureau
New Update
What!! A Mobile app to tell you where to pee

The Central Government has recently prepared a road map to help people locate and find toilets quickly in cities across the length and breadth of the country simply by tapping Google Maps on their smart devices the very same way they do to spot that popular restaurant or for that matter, the nearest ATM. Initially, this facility will be available by the end of November in the National Capital Region (NCR) where around 5,100 toilets have been mapped.


The Union urban development ministry will launch this facility in the second half of November with the initiation of the next ‘Swachhta Pakhwada’ (cleanliness and sanitation fortnight). The toilets, located by Google Maps would be those with unrestricted access and include those at public convenience complexes, malls, shopping complexes and petrol pumps. We are working on improving sanitary conditions of all such toilets, including providing users the rank option to toilets," says a government official. Also there will soon debut a mobile app to enable people rank toilets on parameters and yardsticks of cleanliness.
