
NITA implements standard service charges

DQW Bureau
New Update


The association has taken strong

measures to tackle dealer as well as customer issues. Max Dextor,

President, href="">NITA

said, “During my tenure, we have conducted regular

meetings without missing even one. The minutes of the meeting were

e-mailed to all the members to ensure transparency. We want to be

abreast with the current affairs and want our association to set an

example for others.” NITA has taken many member welfare measures,

like conducting family tours or resumption of live TV for Ooty and

Coonoor region. The board has also issued an acceptance letter to

SOUL project by Confed-ITA and initiated one of the members as Confed

ITA's Treasurer. Dextor elaborated, “The attendance list of

meetings and activities shows a marked difference. We have conducted

a joint meeting with Tirupur association and training programs on

leadership quality, electronic accounting, using Tally software etc.

Inspite of being small in number, we want our members to reap all


NITA has implemented standard service

charges by printing a tariff card and introduced uniform weekly rates

across the region for common computer peripherals. The association

has also introduced installment method for easy remittance of

subscription. Dextor remarked, “Members are given many options for

subscribing. By implementing standard service charges, we are making

it easier for both customers and dealers. Before I finish my tenure,

there are so many points which still need attention. I am striving to

do the same.” The association will conduct its elections in the

month of March.
