Madhya Pradesh Telecom & Computer Traders Association (MPTCTA) at the
recently concluded elections ele-cted a new set of office bearers for this year.
The new executive body has on board Dharmendra Jain of Angel Computers Pvt Ltd
as President, Manoj Ajmera of Worth Technology Pvt Ltd as President Elect,
Manish Goyal of Byte Peripheral Systems Pvt Ltd as Vice President, Sushil
Beriwal of Abacus Combines Pvt Ltd again as Vice President, Yunus Patel of Patel
Enterprises as Secretary, Neeraj Mittal of Mittal Infotech as Joint Secretary,
Vijay Bharadwaj of Comp Tel as Treasurer. Ashish Saxena of Advance Tech-nology
Pvt Ltd is the Immediate Past President.
DQW News Bureau
New Delhi