
Modular's Ankur Office wins CSI award

DQW Bureau
New Update


Ankur Office-the office software suite from Modular Infotech was awarded

the Best Shrink Wrapped Software Award by the Computer Society of India. Dr

Mehernosh Cooper, Chair-man and Joint MD, Modular InfoTech said, "Ankur

Office is a user friendly office suite available in 12 Indian langua-ges. The

Ankur series of packa-ges have an installation base of over one lakh users

throughout India and abroad."

The objective of Ankur Off-ice Suite is to automate office documents in

Indian langua-ges, and provide the user the flexibility of maintaining

docu-ments in their native language. Indian language users face difficulty while

sorting data, filtering, finding and replacing text, database maintainance is

given in English. Their working is made more comfortable with Ankur Office.

The user interface screens, menus, messages, hints, helps are in the local

language as well as in English. The languages available apart from English and

Hindi are are Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Konkani, Malayalam, Marathi,

Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil or Telugu. It has applications like Word Processor,

Spreadsheet, Prese-ntation, e-mail client, address book, web browser, spell

checker for Indian languages, database management, office language dictionary,

personal organizer, chart drawing tool, media player, Indian language typing

facility in other applications.


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