Malabar IT Dealers Association (MITDA) conducted its Annual General Meeting (AGM)
on July 31 in Kozhikode. Members elected a new team unanimously for the year
Vinodkumar M has been appointed as President for the third time. Sujith Babu
MK was appointed as VP, Rajesh Kunjappan as General Secretary, Gireesh V Gopal
as Treasurer and Rasheed KC as Joint Secretary. The 11 member of the executive
committee are Antony Philip, Radhakrishnan MP, Jijo K Varghese, Ansar NK,
Prakash, Sanjith, Sudheer Nair, Krishna Kumar, Subair, Sibi, Vivek M.
“We elect our members on a rollover basis, where members holding a position
move one designation ahead every election,” said Vinodkumar.
Radhakrishnan presented the activity report 2007-2008 and Kunjappan presented
the accounts report 2007-2008.
VinodKumar M President, MITDA |
Out of 122 members, 80 members attended the meeting. The new committee's
agenda will be to concentrate more on member welfare activities and protest
against the unhealthy service backups that vendors provide.
“We are calling an executive committee meeting next week and we would decide
on the agenda then,” Vinodkumar claimed.