
Microsoft partners with HCL for ERP solution

DQW Bureau
New Update


Microsoft India annou­n­ced a partnership with HCL Infosystems to further
augment the availability of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Business Essentials (BE), an
ERP solution for growing businesses, across India.

This partnership will expedite the process of making Microsoft's affordable
ERP, NAV BE more extensively available across the country, said a press release.

“Microsoft Dynamics NAV BE is a unique proposition for businesses, which are
looking for state-of-the-art ERP solutions at affordable prices, and it also
helps us in our endeavor to deliver unprecedented value to growing businesses in
India,” said George Paul, Executive VP, HCL Infosystems.


The new solution would allow businesses to access a basic set of ERP
functionalities including financials, distribution and sales management-without
huge capital investments, the release said.

NAV BE is packaged and priced specially for the growing businesses in India
and priced at sub Rs 4.99 lakh by HCL, including license and implemen­tation.
Being a ready-to-use solution, it can be deployed in about two to three weeks'
timeframe, the release added.

“There is a growing demand to move from basic accounting package and
disparate software to a comprehensive ERP solution among growing businesses, to
gain end to end visibility and drive efficiencies in their business,” said
Rajeev Mittal, Group Director, Microsoft India.


NAV BE is the right solution for SMEs in India, and HCL, with its strong
geo-footprint and IT expertise, will help catalyze the ERP adoption among SMEs.”

A recent IDC study on ERP states that the future of ERP market consolidations
will revolve around the small to medium-sized business market segment, said the

“Given the recent challenging economic times, growing businesses are keen to
embrace IT solutions which offer them a great RoI. Microsoft Dynamics NAV BE's
easy usage, flexible business logic, localized tax settings with fast
implementation is just what the growing businesses seek,” added Mittal.
