
McAfee Pushes for Cloud Security with CASB Connect Program

DQW Bureau
New Update
McAfee Pushes for Cloud Security with CASB Connect Program

McAfee has unveiled CASB Connect Program, the industry’s first self-serve framework and accompanying the program that enables any cloud service provider or partner to rapidly build lightweight API connectors to McAfee Skyhigh Security Cloud within days—without writing a single line of code—to help secure any cloud service in the catalogue.


With this program, enterprises can leverage Skyhigh Security Cloud to confidently adopt any cloud service from the CASB Connect Catalog and enforce the same set of security policies across all their cloud applications.

According to the McAfee Cloud Report, Navigating a Cloudy Sky, one-in-four worldwide IT professionals

surveyed have experienced data theft from the public cloud, and one-in-five have experienced the advanced attack against their public cloud infrastructure.

Through the self-serve CASB Connect Program framework, customers can quickly and easily extend McAfee’s deep and proven cloud security capability to any cloud service in the catalogue via API integrations thus fulfilling their part of the cloud shared responsibility model.


This open eco-system approach expands the number of clouds applications that are secured out of the box via API by the McAfee Skyhigh Security Cloud, enabling consistent security controls across all the customer’s cloud services so they can adopt the cloud, innovate and accelerate their businesses.
