
Matrix 50:50 with Softforward

DQW Bureau
New Update


Kolkata based Matrix Infosystems, a software solution provider in the country has gone into a 50:50 joint venture with Canadian solution provider Softforward Technologies. The collaboration is aimed at brining a convergent solution for the increasing exodus of all businesses to the Web.

Softforward will market Matrix solutions in North America. "Offshore development is an integral part of the matrix business ethos," said Alok Agarwal, MD, Matrix Infosystems Ltd. The company is already into collaboration with US based Scalable Simulations for developing applications using parallel computing language for speedier data transfer across networks.

The venture with Softforward will allow Matrix tap a whole new range of clients and provide specialized services. The projects undertaken under the Softforward-Matrix banner would go into in-depth research and analysis of every client with e-business potential so as to provide them with a comprehensive solution for expanding their business on the web which would give maximum positive promotion required for the company.


The entire project would include Web-based applications and hosting solutions. Software design and development, planning, visualizing, creating and developing specific sites for clients. The site would be developed and hosted while a data center will be set up in the U.S where Internet application will be hosted. Matrix will coordinate business and marketing in India for its NRI customers.
