The dealer community of Ludhiana is extremely unhappy
with the way the state government of Punjab has been conducting itself with
regards to IT. According to Association of Computer Entrepreneurs (ACE), the
government has been virtually neglecting the IT industry--especially in Ludhiana.
ACE would be completing its five years in later half
this year. The association, which was started in 1996, has come a long way in
lobbying for the problems of dealers in Punjab, in addition to Ludhiana. ACE
already has more than 120 registered members and the figure is improving each
year. Besides Ludhiana, ACE has four branches (which it calls as chapters) in
other cities of state--Jalandhar, Patiala and Amritsar. Membership fee of the
association is Rs 2,200 annually.
According to Vinod Loomba, President, ACE, the main
objective of the association was to bring all the members under one roof. The
association has been instrumental in conducting various seminars and exhibitions
on IT subjects. Meeting, once in two months is a regular feature with the
association and office-bearers claim that more than 50 percent of the members
turn out for these meetings.
Major achievements
One of the major achievements of ACE has been to lobby
for bringing down the sales tax in Punjab. The association had been quite
instrumental in bringing down the sales tax from 8.8 percent to 4.4 percent.
"Punjab was losing so much revenue on account of high sales tax. It took us
more than two years to explain this to state government and finally got it
reduced," said a proud Loomba.
ACE is frustrated with the way state government is
turning a deaf ear to its demand to implement the IT policy in the state. Loomba
said that the date of the notification of policy was March 15, 2000 but till
date it has not been implemented. "All the problems related to octroi and
slow growth of IT in the state would be taken care of once policy is
implemented." But dealers say that there is no relief in sight since after
repeated assurances from Satpal Saini, Minister of State for IT, nothing has
been done. "If there is any further delay in the implementation of the
policy, it would of no use since the policy is valid for a period of two years
from the date of notification," he said.
ACE has made several representations to the state
government in this respect. The policy has certain clauses which will give much
needed boost to the IT industry in Punjab. The policy talks about various
subsidies--generator set subsidy, subsidy on IT in Gurmukhi script, special
subsidy for human resource development in IT, subsidy on pollution control
equipment etc.
Loomba explained that the policy had various subsidies
to offer. "In generator set subsidy, all the IT units located in the state
would be eligible for the generating set subsidy of 25 percent. In subsidy on IT
in Gurmukhi script, subsidy shall be admissible to the units engaged in the
development of IT in Gurmukhi script amounting to five percent of the total
turnover every year subject to a maximum of Rs 5 crore per year for a period of
three years."
Apart from this, there are other clauses like price and
order preferences, facilitation service, investment incentive etc. ACE is
pushing the government to work fast on the implementation front. "On April
26, 2001, we invited the IT Minister and Director of Industry to discuss the
benefits of the IT policy. We are still waiting for the response from their
front," said Loomba.
STP in Ludhiana
ACE is also trying hard to lobby for setting up of a STP
in Ludhiana. A STP is present in Mohali, near Chandigarh, which the dealers feel
has not evoked much of a response. They feel that STP makes more sense in
Ludhiana since it works as a IT hub in Punjab and therefore needs more help in
terms of infrastructure from the government. "Major IT benefits and
concessions should come to Ludhiana instead of Mohali which has a total
population of 35 lakh and also the purchasing power of people in Ludhiana is
much greater," pointed out Adish Bamba, PRO, ACE.
Because of this dealers feel, there are no good IT jobs
in Ludhiana. "People are spending so much in IT education but because of
the lack of infrastructure, there are no jobs in the market," he conceded.
ACE feels that only because of lack of help from the
government's side that most of the dealers are only dealing in hardware. They
feel that there should be some effort from the government side to convert the
city into a software hub because every dealer wants to diversify into software
Even the telecom facility in Ludhiana is said to be at
its worst. "Connectivity problem in the city is so acute that till few
months back people used to get the connectivity from Jalandhar," said Bamba.