
Lucknow College wins Go-Alive Challenge

DQW Bureau
New Update


Microsoft Corporation India announced that Babu Banarsi Das National

Institute of Technology and Management (BBDNITM), Lucknow emerged as the winner

in Microsoft's nationwide 'Go-Alive Challenge' contest.

Muslim Association College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram and Sardar

Patel Institute of Technology, Mumbai emerged the first and second runners up

respec­tively. Initiated under the Microsoft Windows Live@Edu program, the

contest was to design and build an innovative and interactive website for their

college using simple Windows Livened tools.

The purpose of the contest was to empower students to build an inte­ra­ctive

online environ­­ment and take online collaboration to a new level hitherto

unexplored by most academic institu­tes in India. The winner received a cash

prize of Rs 2,50,000 from Microsoft.


Prasanna Meduri, Director-Windows Client Business Group, Microsoft India

said, “I congratulate the students of BBDNITM, Lucknow on winning this contest.

They have built an array of innovative features that the college students and

faculty members can now use.” He further added, “It's very exciting to see the

zest displayed by the students into trans­forming their colleges into cool

tech-savvy, always connected institutions. They are all champions for the

ingenuity and fervor they have demonstrated towards making their campuses

alive.” The contest witnessed the participation of 250 insti­tutions across 73

Indian cities.
