
Lexmark launches ‘Shop-in-Shop’ retail outlets

DQW Bureau
New Update


Lexmark International Inc has now extended its ‘Customers For Life’

philo-sophy with its ‘Shop-in-Shop’ retail outlets located at promi-nent

department stores, multi-plexes and IT retail stores in Mumbai.

The first of Lexmark’s retail outlets have been set up at Cyb-erciti

(Marine Lines), Bon Moyar (Andheri), Deekay (Thane) with Product Showcases at

IMAX Multiplex (Wadala) and R Mall Adlabs Multiplex (Mulund). Lexmark soon plans

to expand its ‘Shop-in-Shop’ outlets across Mumbai and Pune and eventu-ally

to major metro cities across India. According to the com-pany release, Lexmark

‘Shop-in-Shop’ outlets will provide cus-tomers easy access to Lexm-ark’s

wide range of inkjet and entry level laser printers, All-in-One print centers

and original Lexmark inkjet and toner cartri-dges for all Lexmark models

available in the India market.

Through these outlets, Lex-mark also offers consumers an extended version of

its ‘LexEx-press’ replacement warranty for printers. Consumers can walk into

any Lexmark outlet with their defective printer, log their complaint along with

proof of purchase and their repaired/replacement printer will be del-ivered to

their address (within city limits) in 24 to 48 hours.


Lexmark printers and con-sumables will be available at these outlets. These

outlets will also guarantee the avai-lability of genuine Lexmark cartridges.

"Lexmark’s products are well known across the world, for their

superior technology. The Lexmark ‘Shop-in-Shop’ retail outlets and product

showcases will enable consumers to expe-rience the superior quality of Lexmark

products and service first-hand before they buy a Lexmark printer," said PG

Kam-ath, GM, Lexmark International India Pvt Ltd (LIIPL).

"Lexmark’s presence at prominent multiplexes and department stores

will, apart from increasing visibility for Lexmark, will make Lexmark solutions

and supplies more accessible to customers and boost customer confidence in the

Lexmark brand," he added.


CyberMedia News Service

