Lexmark International (India) Pvt Ltd has registered an impressive market
share of 9.19 percent in Inkjet market in India according to the Q2 IDC report.
Lexmark still retains the second position in the AIO market share. The company
has registered trem-endous increase in the sales of inkjet printers and
multifun-ctional devices (MFD).
What is interesting to note is that the company has been growing steadily in
spite of low Ad budgets and market spent. Speaking on the occasion, P.G. Kamath,
Country General Man-ager, stated 'most companies expend huge advertising spend
to buy market share. At Lex-mark, we believe that excellent product quality,
channel mar-gins, hassle free warranty delivery mechanism and good human
resource are the key success factors.
The key drivers for growth have been a great product range, successful
channel incentives and end-user promotions that have drawn customers to beli-eve
that Lexmark stands for quality and commitment to customers. Lexmark's
sustai-ned growth is further suppor-ted by the commencement of its Delhi
Lexmark offers a compre-hensive range of Inkjets, Photo Printers, All in One
Print Centers and Laser solutions to meet the exacting needs of Home, SOHO, SME
Users who seek professional and high quality printing solutions at competitive
costs. In addition, it extended LexExpress warra-nty promises replacement at the
door step and in a way endorses the company's claim for quality. Further,
Lexmark has announced it's intention on joining in on the ever-grow-ing
channel business in entry level Laser Printer products. It has also positioned
the Model E 220 at an attractive price point to end user customers.
Lexmark distributes its pro-ducts through a network of three national
distributors, over 100 Diamond Partners and nearly 300 Premium Partners.
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