
Kolkata IT Market Back in Form

Jyoti Bhagat
New Update
Kolkata IT Market Back in Form

After so many ups and downs and the storm of GST after effects, Kolkata IT market is getting recovered from the losses and becoming normal day by day. No doubt the market sales graph has been increased. Saying this will not be wrong that IT trade suffered in the month of July a lot but from the beginning of August the situation is getting under control and the increased market sales is giving the channel partners a ray of hope. Kolkata IT Association which is also known as COMPASS is also very much active in the region. They have been regularly conducted the seminars for educating the traders on different topics related to the market. This effort of association is making Kolkata channel partners satisfy.


Talking to The DQ Week Ashish Kumar Paul of Vision Comtech shares, ‘Initially the whole market was affected by the GST implementation and the same situation was there till July but now the situation is changed and we traders are really happy about this positive change in market.

Rohit Singh of Vedant Computers says, ‘market is running absolutely good in the current scenario. The cash flow in market also came on track. The whole market has recovered the loss and again moving towards the growth.

Suresh Mishra of Wizer Technologies says, ‘The situation was becoming very bad earlier but with the festive season we are expecting the more profit in sales. From the start of August we are already covered loses.


Rajesh Lahiri of Digital Infotech shares, we Partners are really happy about this gradually changed situation of the market. And we are expecting a much improved situation by Diwali.
