
Kolkata gets its first Sony store

DQW Bureau
New Update


With the slowdown signaling an end and markets across the East showing signs

of recovery, Sony launched its first flagship store in Kolkata, GC Avenue.

The company has appointed Galaxy Computech as the privileged reseller of the

entire Sony product range, from laptops, cameras to accessories.

“Last month, we took the initiative as Sony was looking for an exclusive

outlet here and approached us sometime back. Considering the Vaio range, there

is high demand for the laptop in the niche market. As Sony does not have any

other flagship store in the city, we thought of taking this move,” said Narendra

Dhanuka, CEO, Galaxy.


Galaxy has been renovating its showroom for quite sometime and has shifted

its multi-brand outlet nearby.

“I am very optimistic about its success. As demand is considerable and the

market is improving, I foresee a good future,” Dhanuka said.

“At this point of time we are targeting to have Rs 20-30 lakh sales from the

store as the break-even point is Rs 20 lakh. However, no major targets have been

set as it is too early to do so,” he added.


Commenting on the showroom, he added, “Sony has always been focusing on

quality, be it in terms of product, support or sales. They maintain a

homogeneous pattern in every flagship store they have. Once the customer enters

the store, he will be assured of quality and authenticity of the product thereby

making him more confident in taking his purchase decisions.”

Also, Galaxy has recently taken up sub-distribution of Tally across India.

“Tally is a good software offering good margins with considerable demand.

With Tally, we are focusing on the SMB and SME client database but will continue

our loyalty with the channels and will be routing the product through channels

only,” he emphasized.


In the present scenario when the economy is heading towards recovery, dealers

across the state feel that maintaining the profit margin and focusing on bottom

line is crucial instead of reduction in manpower and overhead operating

